
Planning Tools for Inclusive Practice: Dynamic Processes for Change (Closed Group)

Zoom Online Platform

Join us for two days of learning, discovery, and design, as we explore visual and inclusive processes of envisioning the future, and design ways to move forward, and create change. This course is intended to develop awareness in using Social Role Valorization as a strong foundation and using PATH and Personal Futures Planning as creative ways to imagine and plan for change. PATH is a planning process developed by Jack Pearpoint and John O'Brien, to assist people, groups, or organizations to move towards a positive future. Personal Futures Planning uses a foundation of capacity-based planning to design positive and possible futures. These tools are used by people with disabilities and their allies, including professionals, who wish to explore a different life course, and by associations of people looking to establish a vision along with a strategy to move towards it.

The Annual All India SRV Leadership Alliance Summit


SRV leaders from across India will gather together in person to strengthen ourselves and each other, to envision ways to bring the powerful ideas we share forward, and to build our change movement. We will rely on our gathered group with our experience, passion, and sense of community to set direction for the upcoming few years. For practical reasons, we are unable to bring all AISRV members together but are inviting some leaders to be a part of this gathering, and together will find ways to include everyone.

National Person-Centered User’s Group (By invitation Only)


Welcome to the Person-Centered Planning User’s Group!
Person Centered Planning is gathering steam as a way to think about inclusive futures across India. Over 200 facilitators from across the country have been trained in powerful tools like PATH, Personal Futures Planning, and One-Page Profiles. Many highly regarded organizations from across the country have practiced the art of person-centered planning within their organizations, seeing powerful change in the lives of the people they serve. Families have harnessed the power to create new futures for their sons and daughters, and organizations have envisioned their own positive and possible futures. Let’s compare notes!

Foundations of Inclusive Practice: A Glimpse of SRV (Hindi)

Zoom Online Platform

Across India, change leaders committed to better lives for people with developmental and psychosocial disability are talking and learning about Social Role Valorization, a powerful set of ideas about how to assist people to have full, rich, meaningful lives. SRV provides a high-order framework for understanding the society in which we live, and the place people with disabilities tend to hold within in. As well, SRV thinking is accompanied by very practical implementation strategies to help people with disabilities have access to the good things of life.

Ringing in Our Hearts and Minds: A Short Course on Model Coherency

Zoom Online Platform

The concept of model coherency is one of the themes of and for Social Role Valorization (SRV) theory. Yet another fabulous "gem" of SRV, this concept is so helpful when both designing and evaluating a service. How well a service "hangs together" in every way is the big idea behind Model Coherency. This workshop is designed for those who have some training in Social Role Valorization, and those who have also done deep SRV study. Be prepared for hands-on experiential learning as we take the ideas and put them to work together.
Betsy Neuville will lead this workshop with an eye to clarification, application, and learning together as a Zoom community, with some help from the All-India SRV Leadership Network.

Customized Employment Gathering (By Invitation Only)

Zoom Online Platform

Authentic work brings a richness and fullness to our lives in so many ways. Employment has largely been unavailable to people with significant intellectual and developmental disabilities or mental health issues. New ideas and new thinking are helping us learn to make room for people with disability in the workforce, and this is an exciting area where change is brewing.