
The Power of Roles


This workshop gives participants a practical introduction to the principles of Social Role Valorization.

The Power of Roles


This workshop gives participants a practical introduction to the principles of Social Role Valorization.

Creating True Home


Home is where we spend so much of our time and it should offer us a place of refuge, a place to recharge, a place to be ourselves, and a launching pad for exploring new valued social roles.

Introduction to PASSING

Hershey Lodge 325 University Drive, Hershey, PA, United States

This five-day workshop is for those who are interested in deepening their knowledge about the principles of Social Role Valorization. This workshop involves learning to use the PASSING assessment tool, which looks at the realities of Social Role Valorization in practice.

The Power of Roles


This workshop gives participants a practical introduction to the principles of Social Role Valorization.

Introduction to Social Role Valorization


The Introduction to Social Role Valorization is an intensive workshop, which presents the idea of assisting people with disabilities and other devalued conditions to have positive social roles as a productive and helpful response to wounding life experiences. Social Role Valorization is a comprehensive theory which provides insights as to why certain groups of people become devalued in society, what life experiences are likely to befall people once they have become devalued in the eyes of others, why valued social roles are a powerful response in combatting the negative life experiences, and ten essential themes which can guide implementers in pursuing valued roles by, with, and for those practitioners desire to serve.