The Power of Roles
OnlineThis workshop gives participants a practical introduction to the principles of Social Role Valorization.
This workshop gives participants a practical introduction to the principles of Social Role Valorization.
Picture books have proven to be an invaluable learning tool for helping children learn about themselves, others, and the world around them. Recently, there has been international effort to ensure disability and inclusion are represented in that learning.
8th International Social Role Valorization Conference
The Good Things of Life at Home, School, Work, and Beyond
Celebrating over 50 years of Normalization and Social Role Valorization!
This conference is an exciting opportunity to meet and hear from people from around the world who are using SRV to support others to create better lives for themselves.
This workshop gives participants a practical introduction to the principles of Social Role Valorization.
Ideas that Matter is a half-day workshop aimed at offering a very brief look into some of Keystone Human Services’ foundational principles. We begin by exploring the history of disability, including how people with disabilities have been treated and thought about throughout history. We will take time to consider the threads and consequences of historical mindsets on the treatment of people today.
This intensive workshop presents the idea of assisting people with disabilities and other devalued conditions to have positive social roles, which serves as a productive and helpful response to wounding life experiences. People wishing to understand the life experiences of people they support and the implications of those life experiences, and those who are committed to working toward making life better for others are encouraged to attend.
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