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The Introduction to Social Role Valorization is an intensive workshop which presents the idea of assisting people with disabilities and other devalued conditions to have positive social roles as a productive and helpful response to wounding life experiences. Social Role Valorization is a comprehensive theory which provides insights as to why certain groups of people become devalued in society, what life experiences are likely to befall people once they have become devalued in the eyes of others, why valued social roles are a powerful response in combatting the negative life experiences, and ten essential themes which can guide implementers in pursuing valued social roles by, with, and for those practitioners desire to serve.
This foundational material is essential to those wishing to serve others in meaningful ways, and who are impassioned to make a difference in the lives of others. Many participants experience the learning within this event as the most helpful, inspiring, and clarifying body of knowledge they have been exposed to in their professional development, and it assists in long-term understanding and focus on being of service to others in ways that matter.
The workshop includes pre-recorded as well as live presentations, small and large group live reflection and discussion, online forums and resource materials. Participants should be prepared for significant presentations.
Course Schedule:
Week 1
Day 1: Tuesday, September 9, 2025: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, live session with 1 additional hour of independent assignments
Day 2: Wednesday, September 10, 2025: 9:00 am to 2:15 pm, live session and small group work with 1.5 hours of additional independent assignments
Week 2
Day 3: Tuesday, September 16, 2025: 9:00 am to 2:30 pm, a combination of live session and small group assignments
Day 4: Wednesday, September 17, 2025: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm with 1 hour of independent assignments
Week 3
Day 5: Tuesday, September 23, 2025: 9:00 am to 2:15 pm, live session, small group work with 30 minutes of additional independent assignments
Day 6: Wednesday, September 24, 2025: 9:00 am to 12:15 pm, a combination of live session and small group work, workshop close
*This course will take place entirely online. Participants must attend every session in order to receive credit for the workshop.*
You will receive a course syllabus in a confirmation email from the Keystone Institute. A manual will be mailed to you prior to the workshop. You will use the manual extensively throughout the workshop.
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