
Foundations of Inclusive Practice

Zoom Online Platform

Across India, change leaders committed to better lives for people with developmental and psychosocial disability are talking about and learning about Social Role Valorization, a powerful set of ideas about how to assist people to have full, rich, meaningful lives. The global pandemic is causing us to interact differently, and Keystone Institute is adapting by providing our courses and events on-line, using the best platform we can find. This event is a pilot, and we need your help by attending it and providing us with feedback and suggestions.

The Power of Roles


The Power of Roles This workshop gives participants a practical introduction to the principles of Social Role Valorization. Through a combination of multimedia presentation and small group discussion, participants will learn about the phenomenon of social devaluation. This event includes discussion of how people with disabilities and other devalued groups have been systematically hurt and […]

From Vision to Action: Practical Aspects of Role Theory

Zoom Online Platform

For those with some knowledge of Social Role Valorization principles and who are hungry for how to help people move into valued roles, this workshop is for you. How do you identify roles people might be interested in? Once you have a role in mind, how might you help a person enter that role? How […]

Seeing Is Believing: The Power of Mindsets


Seeing Is Believing: The Power of Mindsets Mindsets are powerful shapers of action – they govern what we see, what we perceive, and how we respond to the world around us and the people we encounter. Intended for those with some exposure to Social Role Valorization, this workshop will examine the power of mindsets and […]

Living in a State of Multiple Jeopardies: Systemic Racism and its Presence in the Lives of People with Disabilities

Zoom Online Platform

The complex and prevailing forces of systemic racism are an ever present reality for many populations within our society. With the added stigmatization of disability, these forces compound with the dynamics of devaluation and add to the heightened vulnerability experienced in the lives of many people. Segregation, incarceration, poverty, and violence are often constant threats […]

Foundations of Inclusive Practice: A Glimpse of SRV (English)

Zoom Online Platform

Across India, change leaders committed to better lives for people with developmental and psychosocial disability are talking about and learning about Social Role Valorization, a powerful set of ideas about how to assist people to have full, rich, meaningful lives. SRV provides a high-order framework for understanding the society in which we live, and the […]