
Who Gets a Seat at the Table?—When “All” Means Only Some Perspectives from the Global South and Global North

United Nations Headquarters New York City, United States

In partnership with the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Moldova to the United Nations Behind the promise of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) lies the assumption that human societies function best when everyone participates. Nevertheless, some deeply marginalized groups are being left out of efforts to fully implement the commitments […]

Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and Institutions: Lived Experiences and Ways to Achieve Deinstitutionalization

United Nations Headquarters New York City, United States

“In the institution, I was humiliated and ignored. In the community, I'm treated with respect and dignity," said Diana Zgherea, an advocate from Moldova. "People with disabilities must collaborate with civil society organizations to advocate for deinstitutionalization. People with intellectual disabilities have the right to live independently and be included in the community. We are […]

The Power of Roles

Keystone Human Services 2nd Floor Education Room 3700 Vartan Way, Harrisburg, PA, United States

The Power of Roles This workshop gives participants a practical introduction to the principles of Social Role Valorization. Through a combination of multimedia presentation and small group discussion, participants will learn about the phenomenon of social devaluation. This event includes discussion of how people with disabilities and other devalued groups have been systematically hurt and […]