The Power of Roles
OnlineThis workshop gives participants a practical introduction to the principles of Social Role Valorization.
This workshop gives participants a practical introduction to the principles of Social Role Valorization.
Ideas that Matter is a half-day workshop aimed at offering a very brief look into some of Keystone Human Services’ foundational principles. We begin by exploring the history of disability, including how people with disabilities have been treated and thought about throughout history. We will take time to consider the threads and consequences of historical mindsets on the treatment of people today.
Raise a glass with us at the 2025 Summer Social, presented by First National Bank! We will kick off the season at a new location, the stunning King Mansion in Harrisburg, PA on Friday, June 6 from 5:00 – 8:00 pm.
Ambassador dogs from Susquehanna Service Dogs will be on site.
Haven’t been to SRV for a while and are looking for a refresher course? Join us as we review the themes of Social Role Valorization and discuss how we have used these ideas over our years of serving others. A series of short presentations will be followed by chances to illustrate, discuss, and share ideas and struggles. Join us to learn about the several new themes of SRV, sharpen your grasp of the principles, recommit to using and teaching the ideas, and do it all in a relaxed atmosphere.
Across India, change leaders committed to better lives for people with developmental and psychosocial disability are talking and learning about Social Role Valorization, a powerful set of ideas about how to assist people to have full, rich, meaningful lives. SRV provides a high-order framework for understanding the society in which we live, and the place people with disabilities tend to hold within in. As well, SRV thinking is accompanied by very practical implementation strategies to help people with disabilities have access to the good things of life.
“The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” Maya Angelou
This half day of reflection, discussion, and discovery will focus on the concept of home:
• What is the importance and meaning of home?
• What does it mean to have one’s own home?
• How do we create home for others?
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