We’re pleased to announce that Keystone Moldova has received two awards for innovative practices from the Zero Project for the Community for All – Moldova project(external website) and the Alternativ Forum Theatre(external website).
Since 2008, Keystone Moldova has partnered with the central government and NGOs to support people with disabilities to leave institutions and live in the community. Over 300 people have returned to their families or moved into community-based homes, and many others have received services to prevent them from entering an institution.

In addition to supporting people to live valued lives in the community, Keystone Moldova addresses discrimination and other barriers to creating a truly inclusive community. Through the interactive Forum Theatre, Keystone Moldova teaches students and teachers to recognize discrimination and to take action to include all people.
After a Forum Theatre performance one student said, “Thanks to Forum Theatre, we know how to behave and advocate for ourselves and for our rights. We understand how to stop discrimination.”
“I’m very proud of our team in Keystone Moldova for receiving these awards from the Zero Project,” said Charles Hooker, President and CEO of Keystone Human Services. “We’re proud to be working in conjunction with the government and other NGOs to make sure that people are living full and included lives.”
Charles Hooker; Ludmila Malcoci, Regional Director of Central and Eastern Europe for Keystone Human Services International; Parascovia Munteanu of Keystone Moldova; and Lina Malcoci of Keystone Moldova attended the Zero Project Conference on February 20-22, 2019 to accept the awards.