Thomas J. Blazek

Thomas J. Blazek

Member of the Following Boards: Partnerships for People

Though currently retired, Thomas Blazek spent his entire 37-year career in the service of people with intellectual disabilities in a State of New Jersey facility. Beginning as a Direct Service Professional providing care, training, and guidance for eight individuals, creating a solid foundation upon which his career was built.

He moved on to a position in the facility’s Central Supply/Transportation and Mail Room as a clerk driver, still providing for the care and safety of facility residents as they traveled. He later became the department’s supervisor. During the intervening years, he advanced to positions in the Business Office, Facility Operations, Quality Assurance, Facility Safety, and Staff Development, concluding his career as an Occupational Safety Consultant.

Thomas is grateful for the opportunity to continue to be of service to individuals with intellectual disabilities through the Board activities of Partnerships for People and Keystone Human Services for the past eight years. He has been active on the Partnerships for People Board Quality Assurance Committee and has also served on the Nominating Committee.