

SRV in Carlisle

Distance Introduction to Social Role Valorization

The Introduction to Social Role Valorization is an intensive workshop which presents the idea of assisting people with disabilities and other devalued conditions to have positive social roles as a productive and helpful response to wounding life experiences.
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SRV Reading Circle: Reading Between the Lines: An SRV Analysis of Children’s Picture Books

Picture books have proven to be an invaluable learning tool for helping children learn about themselves, others, and the world around them. Recently, there has been international effort to ensure disability and inclusion are represented in that learning.
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SRV (1)

Introduction to PASSING

This five-day workshop is for those who are interested in deepening their knowledge about the principles of Social Role Valorization. This workshop involves learning to use the PASSING assessment tool, which looks at the realities of Social Role Valorization in practice. It emphasizes the impact of services on the lives of the people being served...
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SRV (1)

The History and Implications of America’s Segregated Institutions

This workshop gives participants a practical introduction to the principles of Social Role Valorization.
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National Person-Centered User’s Group (By invitation Only)

Welcome to the Person-Centered Planning User’s Group! Person Centered Planning is gathering steam as a way to think about inclusive futures across India. Over 200 facilitators from across the country have been trained in powerful tools like PATH, Personal Futures Planning, and One-Page Profiles. Many highly regarded organizations from across the country have practiced the...
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Family Reunification Leadership Clearing House (By Invitation Only)

The welfare of everyone lies in the welfare of each person and community inclusion is an integral part of it. Several organizations across India are working towards this through their Family Reunification and Community Inclusion programs for people with disabilities. Across India several models have emerged, and this get together will work towards deep collaboration,...
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Planning Tools for Inclusive Practice: Dynamic Processes for Change (By Invitation only)

Join us for two days of learning, discovery, and design, as we explore visual and inclusive processes of envisioning the future, and design ways to move forward, and create change. This course is intended to develop awareness in using Social Role Valorization as a strong foundation and using PATH and Personal Futures Planning as creative...
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Foundations of Direct Support Practitioners (Train the Trainer)

As your leading-edge organization well knows, Keystone Institute India has been working to develop a set of 14 modules in three phases meant to provide a high-quality direct support preparation program. It is intended for promising supervisors as well as direct workers in special schools, vocational programs, recreational programs, day centers, and residential programs. This...
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Customized Employment Gathering (By Invitation Only)

Authentic work brings a richness and fullness to our lives in so many ways. Employment has largely been unavailable to people with significant intellectual and developmental disabilities or mental health issues. New ideas and new thinking are helping us learn to make room for people with disability in the workforce, and this is an exciting...
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When “Just Okay” Is Not Good Enough: An Exploration of the Conservatism Corollary

Hungry for more information about Social Role Valorization? Had some basic training in it? If so, then this workshop is for you. The global pandemic is causing us to interact differently, and Keystone Institute is adapting by providing our courses and events on-line, using the best platform we can find. This event is a pilot,...
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