

Foundations of Inclusive Practice: A Glimpse of SRV (English)

Across India, change leaders committed to better lives for people with developmental and psychosocial disability are talking about and learning about Social Role Valorization, a powerful set of ideas about how to assist people to have full, rich, meaningful lives. SRV provides a high-order framework for understanding the society in which we live, and the...
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From Vision to Action: Practical Aspects of Role Theory

For those with some knowledge of Social Role Valorization principles and who are hungry for how to help people move into valued roles, this workshop is for you. How do you identify roles people might be interested in? Once you have a role in mind, how might you help a person enter that role? How...
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Planning for Change: Foundations of Person-Centered Work

Think Different, Plan Different—Person-Centered work involves a very different way of engaging with people with disabilities and their families. Using person-centered tools, the focus person is the central figure in their own planning, supported by the people they choose at their side. The processes used bring out the best in everyone by recognizing the gifts...
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The Road Most Travelled: Using the Culturally Valued Analogue

Social Role Valorization principles contains many “gems” – ideas that have great power and applicability towards making life fuller and richer for those who are at risk of social devaluation. The culturally valued analogue, or CVA, is one such gem. In this workshop, we will explore this idea, applying ourselves to studying the natural pathways...
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Am I Connected? : A Discussion on Technology’s Capacity to Bring Us Together and Keep Us Apart (and the Impacts on Devalued People)

Technology has served as a primary connector for so many of us during the COVID-19 pandemic. Without it, the isolation, social distance, and inactivity may have had even more devastating impacts than what we did experience. While in some ways the pandemic did offer a somewhat urgent call to assist vulnerable people to access and...
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Living in a State of Multiple Jeopardies: Systemic Racism and its Presence in the Lives of People with Disabilities

The complex and prevailing forces of systemic racism are an ever present reality for many populations within our society. With the added stigmatization of disability, these forces compound with the dynamics of devaluation and add to the heightened vulnerability experienced in the lives of many people. Segregation, incarceration, poverty, and violence are often constant threats...
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For Better or Worse? : The Dilemma of Keeping People Segregated as a Means of Keeping Them Safe

The COVID-19 pandemic brought life as we knew it to a standstill. Businesses, schools, and even our own homes had to close their doors and “social and physical distancing” became the new normal. For many people who were living in institutions with plans in place to move into new, more integrated community homes, those doors...
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Principles of Teaching for Everyday Life: A Three Part Series on Competency Development

Principles of Teaching for Everyday Life: A Three Part Series on Competency Development Human beings have vastly more growth potential than is realized by most people, and this is especially true for people with disabilities. We’re all hard-wired to contribute – seeing purpose in our efforts and doing things for others. All too often people...
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From Vision to Action: Practical Aspects of Role Theory

From Vision to Action: Practical Aspects of Role Theory For those with some knowledge of Social Role Valorization principles, and who are hungry for how to help people move into valued roles, this workshop is for you. How do you identify roles people might be interested in? Once you have a role in mind, how...
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Community and Culture: A Reflective Learning Event and Part of the Best Part of Me Retreat Series

Community and Culture: A Reflective Learning Event and Part of the Best Part of Me Retreat Series This retreat series includes four experiential workshops; each workshop focuses on exploring our work in human services, what our contributions are, and what we get from the opportunity to serve others.  All jobs that support people are important,...
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