Referrals and Applications

2 people sitting on steps

Most of our services come from referrals through county case managers. Additional information about eligibility and the referral or application process for some of our services is available below.

Start the Application or Referral Process

Domiciliary Care

Become a Domiciliary Care Family
To qualify as a Domiciliary Care Family, you must:
• Be sensitive to the needs of others
• Rent or own a home
• Become certified in CPR and First Aid (training provided)
• Be 21 years or older
• Pass criminal background checks
• Provide financial and personal references
• Provide a private bedroom in your home
• Have homeowner’s insurance
• Undergo an annual fire and safety inspection
• Live in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania

Training is required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Keystone Human Services to become a Domiciliary Care Family. Training sessions will be provided by Keystone Human Services. All Domiciliary Care Families will receive compensation for opening their home. However, families must not require this compensation to meet their financial needs. Families cannot be related to the person receiving services in their home.

Once an individual joins a family, our staff will visit the home monthly to provide guidance and confirm that the individuals and families continue to be compatible. Each family may support up to three individuals in their home.

Call 717-482-8500 to apply and ask for Domiciliary Care.

Live with a Domiciliary Care Family
To receive services and live with a Domiciliary Care Family, you must be:
• Experiencing the effects of aging, intellectual disability, or mental illness
• 18 years or older
• Unable to live alone
• Experiencing difficulty with daily living activities
• Eligible for social security
• Ineligible for 24-hour nursing care
• Under the supervision of a Dauphin County Care Manager or Aging Care Manager

To apply, call 717-482-8500 and ask for Domiciliary Care.

Peer Support

To refer yourself or someone else for Peer Support, complete the form and send to:

Peer Support Supervisor
c/o Keystone Service Systems Mental Health
8182 Adams Drive
Hummelstown, PA 17036

Fax: +1 717-482-8501

For questions, call +1 717-482-8500.


Specialized Community Residences

Each Specialized Community Residence is licensed through the Department of Aging. People who use this service much meet medical necessity and medical assistance criteria.

Referrals are received through the county.

Student Assistance Program

In elementary, middle, junior, and high schools, student assistance teams, which include school personnel and mental health professionals, as well as the Student Assistance Program’s mental health consultants, identify, assess, and refer students who may be at risk of drug, alcohol, and mental health issues.

Supportive Living

To receive services, you must be open with your county Base Service Unit (BSU). Your BSU case manager completes the referral paperwork identifying your needs, which is then reviewed by the program director. A support staff person is assigned.

The support staff will schedule an initial meeting with you and the BSU case manager to discuss how the program will support you, and together you’ll develop an Individual Support Plan (ISP) and define the hours of service.

Services are not time-limited, but they are authorized in three-month increments. Support staff provide weekly phone or email updates to the case manager, with interagency meetings as necessary.

You, support staff, and your case manager will meet before the end of each three-month period to evaluate the level of services you need. Services end once you’ve consistently achieved the objectives on your ISP.

Before the end of each three-month period, you, support staff, and the case manager will meet to evaluate the amount of services.